Friday, March 18, 2005

work sucks

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im rick james!

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Thursday, March 17, 2005

Howls Moving Castle

just announced that Howls Moving Castle will be released in America June 10 in selected cities and June 17 nationwide.

the english cast also announced...

Howl: Christian Bale
Old Sophie: Jean Simmons
Young Sophie: Emily Mortimer
Witch of the Waste: Lauren Bacall
Calcifer: Billy Crystal
Madam Suliman: Blythe Danner

can't wait...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

hmmmm......good tune.....

Said, Now smile everybody, don't you see it's gone
I'm sorrounded by good spirits day and nighttime long
And when I walk, I walk like I've just been born
Oh because the lord let the sun shine down on me
Oh because the lord let the sun shine down on me


a very beautiful girl

She's the cutest thing alive, even if a dog bit off half her tail.

Her name is phantom.
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Steamboy to be realesed this Friday!

The long awaited movie by Akira director Katsuhiro Otomo.
Here's a link to the English website which includes a trailer...
(which by the way i can't see opening weekend cause i'm working all weekend, im really getting tired of it)
  • Steamboy

  • Example

    a wonderful Miyazaki painting...

    the forest god from Princess Mononoke
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    i can't get the sand out of my shoes...

    Living in Ohio really sucks sometimes. I used to live in North Carolina an hour or so away from the nearest beach and made frequent trips there my later years in high school. Man i miss the oppurtunity to do this. The beach is a wonderful place when its not there to take advantage of. This all coming after a winter full of snow and cold. It would maybe snow once a year down there, such heaven. The beach i like the most was called Topsail island, it was some rinky dink place but so quiet and relaxing, so much better than myrtle beach and wilmington which wasn't too far away. The thought that rests in my head is the tiny little crabs that would live all over the place there.
    If i had the money i would drive directly to that beach right now....

    Tuesday, March 15, 2005

    my arachnid friend

    I walked outside one day and ran into this guy, quite a spectacle his web was. My face was atleast a foot away from him. But i was not scared, he did not want to harm me and i did not want to harm him. A very beautiful creature he was. I named him haku after the river spirit in Spirited away...
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    No School Like Old School

    the Incredibles review:

    So we just go done watching the Incredibles. I was kinda weary at first, another movie by Pixar. The last movie i liked by them was Toy story. The rest not really anything new. But this one was very intriguing i must say.
    First of all the idea of being a superhero is what ran through my mind the entire time. Specifically which power i would want. I think i came to the conclusion that i would like to have superman's powers. He kind of had it all. The strength. The flying. The X-ray. You know the whole package.
    The whole part with Mr. Incredible working a normal job clenching his fist everyday he was there. How many of us can relate to this? He was stuck doing something he hates, and not doing what he was made for.
    To make this short. The movie was great! And Jason Lee of Kevin Smith movies fame was hilarious as the villian. I can never get enought of this guy.
    So rent it, buy it, watch it. You shouldn't be disappointed.


    this will be very boring to anyone, even to myself but oh well...

    I woke up today and went to my parents house and ate chocolate lucky charms, which were very tasty, might i add. listened to the new beck album which is quite good. not what i expected. i would love for him to release a country western album.
    Went to the bank and then to borders. walked around looking at the dvds saw many i wanted to purchase but couldn't, because i am a poor boy right now, too many bills. Got back home watched Avalon which is a movie about a video game, kinda crazy i think, but good. It's by the director of Ghost in the Shell, a very good anime.
    Gonna meet my girlfriend at taco bell, even though i despise eating there,but whatever, its food. And then rent the Incredibles which i'm excited about. That should be all for now. Ended up buying incredibles. There will be a review after we watch it.

    Monday, March 14, 2005


    ......coming soon.